Heapey, Chorley
Starlink Installation
The weather was incredibly windy for this Starlink installation, with gusts of up to 60mph! We therefore needed another rock solid installation and used the 12 x 18 inch galvanised wall bracket along with the 1.5 inch heavy gauge alloy mast and antiference mount. The customer also required 3 wired access points due to the size and nature of the property. All-in-all, another first class installation, despite the terrible weather!
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We had previously installed Starlink to the neighbour of this property so it was nice to back in such a picturesque part of the world!
At this property the customer had a Generation 2 Starlink system which required a bespoke rig and professional installation.
This Generation 3 Starlink installation featured 12 x 12 inch galvanised wall bracket as the overhang was not too severe.